Waterside houses

This started out unusually — I did the pen-and-ink sketch directly, without any pencil drawing, or even any real plan. Watercolour sketch of houses in Waterside, New Brunswick, from reference photos I took in August, 2016. On 9 ¼ × 6 ¼″ Stillman & Birn Alpha (white/150 gsm) hard-bound sketchbook. I later did another of the same view.

County fair equipment in winter storage on the Tantramar marsh

This painting was made from a collage of black-and-white photos (and a couple for colour reference) I’d taken in the winter of 1992–93 on the Nova Scotia side of the border, between Fort Lawrence and Ahmerst. About 16 × 6 ½″ on 300 gsm Arches Cold Press watercolour paper.