The Missaguash River from Fort Lawrence, Nova Scotia

watercolour of New Brunswick/Nova Scotia border
Watercolour painting: Missaguash River from Fort Lawrence, Nova Scotia
Finished watercolour painting on 10 × 25 cm Arches 300 gsm cold-pressed watercolour paper. Winsor & Newton’s artist-quality Payne’s Grey and Sepia. Process below.

Île de la Valière/Tonge’s Island, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, in the foreground; the Missaguash River separating New Brunswick from Nova Scotia and Westmorland County, NB, in the middle ground, with the Bay of Fundy, more Westmorland Co., and Albert County, NB, in the distance. See Tantramar Heritage Trust’s page on Tonge’s Island.

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County fair equipment in winter storage on the Tantramar marsh

This painting was made from a collage of black-and-white photos (and a couple for colour reference) I’d taken in the winter of 1992–93 on the Nova Scotia side of the border, between Fort Lawrence and Ahmerst. About 16 × 6 ½″ on 300 gsm Arches Cold Press watercolour paper.