Abandoned shop in Memramcook
Abandoned shop at the corner of rue Landry & NB Route 106 in the Village of Memramcook. Pencil sketch in 5 × 8″ Pentalic Aqua Journal (140 lb).
drawings & watercolour paintings
Abandoned shop at the corner of rue Landry & NB Route 106 in the Village of Memramcook. Pencil sketch in 5 × 8″ Pentalic Aqua Journal (140 lb).
These columns once faced Park Street on the front of the original Edith Cavell School, which burned in the mid-1980s. Now they are free-standing, facing Victoria Park on Weldon Street, in Moncton, New Brunswick. Pen-and-ink sketch on 5 ¾ × 8 ¾″ Stillman & Birn Gamma (150 gsm) ivory paper. Pencil and Lamy Vista with Lexington Gray Noodler’s Ink.
The Boathouse and the Farm House. From a reference photo I took in 2014 in Penobscot Bay, Maine. Getting started; work in progress. Pencil on 9 ¼ × 6 ¼″ Stillman & Birn Alpha (150 gsm) white paper.
The Boathouse, Penobscot Bay, Maine. Sketch from a reference photo I took in 2014. Pencil, Lamy Vista fountain pen with Lexington Gray Noodler’s Ink, and Pigma Micron brush pen on 9 ¼ × 6 ¼″ Stillman & Birn Alpha (150 gsm) white paper. In a private collection.
Pencil sketch of the recently-moved lighthouse at Cape Jourimain Nature Centre, Cape Jourimain, New Brunswick. It really needs a coat of paint — many shingles have gone black. From a photo I took in September, 2016. On 9 ¼ × 6 ¼″ Stillman & Birn Alpha (150 gsm) white paper.
Ornitholestes hermanni skeleton on display in the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller, Alberta; pencil and ink sketch from a photo I took in July, 2016. Lamy Vista with Lexington Gray Noodler’s Ink on 5¾ × 8¾″ Stillman & Birn Gamma (ivory/150 gsm) paper.